Ready-to-Learn Process Outline
Ensuring all Meadowlawn Students Are: Ready to Learn
Detention (45mins) Afterschool M-TH 4:15pm-5:00pmMultiple staff members in highly visible areas will issue detentions to students at the time they see students committing infractions (dress code, profanity, out of area, running, disruptive, tardy etc.) We often times will contact parents to notify them of the assigned detention date, however, it is the students’ responsibility to inform the parent that a detention has been assigned.
Transportation is not provided and will need to be arranged for your scholar. Students who fail to attend or disrupt detention on the date selected, will automatically be assigned an additional consequence, and a call to the parent will be made informing them of the missed detention and assigned consequence.
Alternative Bell Schedule (ABS hours) 7:30am-12:00pm or 12:00pm-5:00pm
Students who have already gone through progressive discipline or who commit more serious offenses, repeat offenses or fail to attend/disrupt detention will be assigned ABS. A list of students who have been assigned ABS and should not be in class will be posted
daily. Work will be provided to assigned students by their teachers and sent to ABS for the ABS teacher. Disruption in ABS will result in additional days ABS or Out of school suspension.Progressive Discipline
Students who commit more serious or repeat offenses will be subject to more serious consequences as a result of the continuous disruptive behavior.