• 5000 role models

    5000 Role Models of Excellence Program the 5000 Role Model of Excellence is a program designed to boost the self-image, increase social skills, and academic performance of targeted males, in part, by motivating them to interact with respected and successful men whose real-life accomplishments
    can inspire young males to succeed.

    Students are paired up with mentors and they meet bi-weekly to discuss academics, current student and community issues, and world-wide issues. Students are recommended by their teachers, peers, counselors, and administrators. Students must have parental consent and meet all program requirements. 
    The 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project focuses on three general principles:
    1)   Pinpoint progressive and successful men in our community to emulate;
    2)   Promote positive alternatives to self-destructive behaviors and societal pitfalls;
    3)   Everyone must assume responsibilities, preparing our youth for the challenges and struggles in today's society.
    Mr. Thurman teaching the boys to tie ties

    Meetings are monthly in Room 1-121

    Questions? Please Contact Mr. Bethel bethelt@pcsb.org