CAP UAS Qualification Page
There will be two Qualifications Courses for Basic Recreational UAS Pilot this school year. Prospective pilots must attend all 4 classes in a session in order to become qualified and eligible to wear the CAP UAS Basic Wings. If a Cadet misses a class during the Fall Session, they may make that class up in the Spring Session to complete and earn the right to wear the UAS wings on their uniform.
The links to the pin and the patch are listed below:
Once earned, the pin may be worn on the Blues Uniform (See CAPR 39-1 / on Pages 52 and 53)
Once earned, the patch may be sewn onto the ABU Uniform (See CAPR 39-1 / on Page 69)
Pilots that attend all 4 classes will also be eligible to wear a STEM Badge once they have promoted to Achievement 3. The link to the pin is listed below.
Once earned, the pin may be worn on the Blues Uniform (See CAPR 39-1 / on Page 53)
The Fall Session will occur on the following dates from 9:00am to 12:00pm
October 14th (Part I)
October 28th (Part II)
November 4th (Part III)
November 11th (Part IV)
The Spring Session dates have not been selected yet.