We are always in need of mentors and tutors. Our Family & Community Liaison at Tyrone Middle is Ms. O’Brien (OBRIENBR@pcsb.org 727-893-1819 ext. 2001).
Volunteer Sign-Up: https://asd.pcsb.org/schoolwiresforms/volunteer/
Mentors must take a mandatory 1-hour Mentor Strategies Workshop that is offered all over Pinellas County. Interested persons can go to www.pcsb.org/mentorworkshops to sign up for a session.
There have been changes to the Level II Procedures for school volunteers. Strategic Partnerships Level II Procedures: http://pcsb.org//site/Default.aspx?PageID=459
If you have any questions about the new Level II Procedures content, please contact Sheila Kane (KANES@pcsb.org, 727-588-6000 ext. 1846).