Home of the Sharks
Dream it ~ Believe it ~ Achieve it
The Conservatory for the Arts at Sandy Lane is an Arts Integration school. Our focus is the quality of the Visual and Performing Arts as its own curriculum as well as infusing the Arts in the General Education Classroom. The goal of Arts Integration is to increase knowledge and achievement of a general subject area (Math, Science, ELA) while simultaneously fostering appreciation, understanding and achievement of the Visual and Performing Arts.
2024-2025 Student Hours: 8:15 AM - 3:05 PM
Breakfast: 8:00 - 8:30 AM
Office Hours: 7:45 AM - 3:45 PM
School Tours: Please call the school for an appointment.
Mrs. Kelly Austin, Principal: austink@pcsb.org
Danny Boulieris, Assistant Principal: boulierisd@pcsb.org
Click the MSA banner above to read the announcement!
The purpose of the SSYRA Program is to encourage students to read independently for pleasure and to read books that are on, above, and below their reading level