Student Dismissal
How will students be dismissed?
All parents must remain in their vehicles. Staff or safety patrols will load your child(ren) into your vehicles.
At 2:30 PM, PreK3 and VPK students will be dismissed. Between 2:30 and 2:55 PM, parents may use the PreK3/VPK lane (formally the “short” or “left lane”). Only vehicles with the PreK3/VPK tag will be allowed in the short lane.
Vehicles with both PreK3/VPK students and K-5 students will use the left lane, and then pull up to the front of car line to wait for the older student(s) to be dismissed at 2:45 PM.
At 2:55 PM, the left “short” lane will be closed, and all cars will need to enter the right “outside” lane for pick-up. This includes any families that are picking up PreK3/VPK students.
Vehicles picking up K-5 students will use only the right/outside lane. Cars will remain behind the barrier until 2:55 PM, at which point the K-5 car line will begin dismissal.Students who walk home will meet at the crosswalk, marked in green. This is the only place that parents will be walking up to meet their student. Parents may not park in the school parking lot and walk up to pick up their students at the walker's area.
Thank you!