My name is Mrs. Turner and I am thrilled to be the art teacher at Belcher Elementary this year.
I have loved meeting all your children and look forward to a wonderful year!
I meet with kindergarten through 5th grade students once a week for 45 minutes.
Students receive studio-based art experiences based on the Florida State Standards in the following media: drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media, digital media, sculpture, and ceramics.
All K-5 students have access to a Digital Arts Lab with iPads for learning 21st century digital skills, digital citizenship, and create digital artwork, photography.
Please visit Belcher Artsonia Gallery at: https://www.artsonia.com/schools/school.asp?id=9284
This is a great opportunity to celebrate student’s success. If you don’t see your child's artwork, send me an email and I will send you a parent permission slip.
Any questions, please email me at TurnerAl@pcsb.org