Facials Specialty
Length 220 hours Admissions Contact Nancy Randolph, School Counselor
Course Information Shereka Solomon, Instructor
solomons@pcsb.org | 727-893-2500 x2409
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Facials Specialty Program Dates2/10/2025 - 4/18/2025
4/22/2025 - 6/19/2025
Program tours are on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 12:30 by appointment
Contact Nancy Randolph at randolphn@pcsb.org to schedule.
TUESDAY Meet'n'Greets at 1:00 pm!!October15thRESCHEDULED to 22nd, due to recent weatherDecember 10th
Mission: The mission of the Facials Specialty Program is to provide professional training for each student to develop their skills, knowledge and confidence to prepare for successful employment in the Esthetics industry.
Program I120425 consists of a planned sequence of instruction:Facials Specialist – Course CSP0266 (220 hours) – The content includes, but is not limited to career ready practices, safe and efficient work practices, performing facials and hair removal, applying make-up, and the proper procedure and application of chemicals.
Distance Education: Not available at this time
Industry Certification(s): Program graduates are eligible to apply for a Florida Facial Specialist Registration
Minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirement: 80%
Minimum Attendance Requirement: 91% | Students are not able to miss more than 4 days (20 hours) of class.