Automotive Collision Technology Technician
Length 1,400 Hours Admissions Contact Cheri Ashwood, School Counselor
Course Information Ronald Johnston, Instructor | 727-893-2500 x2399
Flyer Download Program Costs Download Mission: The mission of this program is to prepare students for employment as automotive body repairers, painters, repairer helpers, and painter helpers.
Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing Helper/Assistant - Course ARR0140 (150 hours) – Content includes basic vehicle and industry knowledge, shop and safety skills, business management skills, and preparation of vehicles for repairing and refinishing.
Automotive Collison Refinishing Technician Course - ARR0141 (450 hours) – Students study safety precautions, surface preparation, spray gun and related equipment operation, paint mixing, matching and applying, paint defects, and final detailing.
Non-Structural Damage Repair Technician - Course ARR0312 (300 hours) - Students study outer body panel repairs, replacements, and adjustments; metal finishing and body filling, movable glass and hardware; plastics and adhesives; electrical and brakes.
Damage Analysis and Estimating - Course ARR0022 (75 hours) - Students study damage analysis, estimating, vehicle construction and parts identification, and customer relations and sales skills.
Automotive Collision Welding, Cutting, and Joining - Course ARR0112 (75 hours) - Students study basic welding skills specifically related to automotive collision and repair, safety precautions, metal welding, cutting and joining.
Structural Damage Repair Technician - Course ARR0295 (350 hours) - Students study frame inspection and repair, unibody and unitized structure inspection, measurement, and repair; fixed glass, steering and suspention,; heating and air conditioning; cooling systems; drive train, fuel, intake and exhaust systems, and restraint systens.
Distance Education: Not available at this time
Industry Certification(s): S/P2 Collision Safety
S/P2 Collision Pollution PreventionICAR Certification
Students are prepared and trained for the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) testing. Upon completion of the 1400 hour program, students receive the equivalent of a year of industry experience toward the two years of work experience necessary to take the following ASE Collision Repair and Refinishing Technician certification exams:- Mechanical and Electrical Components (B5)
- Non-structural Analysis and Damage Repair (B3)
- Painting and Refinishing (B2)
- Structural Analysis and Damage Repair (B4)
- Damage Analysis and Estimating (B6)
Program graduates are also eligible to become certified through the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair (I-CAR).
Related Links
National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)
International-Collision Auto Repair (ICAR) www.i-car.comMinimum Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirement: 70%
Minimum Attendance Requirement: 70%
Basic Skills Exit Requirement for Program Completion: Student's competency in computation (mathematics) and communication (reading/language arts) is assessed; required basic skills grade levels are: Computation - 9 and Communication - 9.