

    Q: When did Safety Harbor Middle become an IB school?

    A: Wewere auuthorized this summer 0f 2024.

    Q: How can my student be an IB student? My student does not have high enough scores to be in IB.

    A: All students at SHMS are IB students. At the elementary and middle school level, the IB  programme is for all students, regardless of background, academic scores, etc.                                 

    Q: How can all students be part of IB? I heard that the coursework is really challenging.

    A: At the middle school level, IB is not a curriculum. IB is a framework for learning. IB does not tell us what to teach. The IB framework tells us HOW to teach it.

    Q: Will my student be following the Florida BEST standards?

    A: Yes! The IB programme at the middle school level is only a framework. We teach Florida’s BEST standards through the framework of IB.

    Q: How is IB at SHMS different than other school magnet programs?

    A: The framework of IB’s middle school programme is inquiry-based and interdisciplinary. Teachers will be teaching their content conceptually so students can find connections between the subject groups. The framework is grounded in authentic, student-centered learning that empowers students to be curious about their world and solve problems around them.

    Q: If I am zoned for SHMS, do I need to apply to be in the IB programme?

    A: No. If you live in the zone of SHMS, you are already part of the programme. Only students who live outside of the SHMS zone who live in north county need to apply. You do not need to apply.

    Q: If I live in north county, but not in the SHMS zone, how do I apply to go to your school?

    A: The District Application Program application period begins on January 9th. There will be a Facebook Live that explains how to apply on our District website on January 8th.

    Q: When can we tour Safety Harbor Middle to see the campus? How do I arrange a tour?

    A: Tours will take place every Thursday beginning in October. Tours will take place from 10:15 to 11:15 am or 1:15 to 2:15pm.  Please contact our IB coordinator, Devin Fitzgerald at fitzgeraldde@pcsb.org or call 727-724-1400 

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