Philosophy on Assessment: At Safety Harbor Middle School, all assessments should provide opportunities to guide instruction and reflect on progress and learning. Collaboratively, the instructional staff designs, evaluates and analyzes assessment practices so that students have a range of opportunities to demonstrate understanding and mastery of material linked to state standards and IB objectives. Assessment tasks are created to be relevant, challenging, and student-centered. Student performance on assessment tasks is evaluated collaboratively to celebrate success and address areas for academic growth.
Purpose of this Document: This document serves to communicate to all our stakeholders the programme expectations, clear guidelines, and responsibilities as it applies to middle school assessment as required by the International Baccalaureate Organization and the Pinellas County School Board.
Common Types of Assessment (but not limited to):
Formative Assessment: identifies learning progress, individual student needs and helps inform instruction.
Summative Assessment: measures student
understanding and application of strategies.
• Interactive notebooks
• Gallery walks
• Collaborative work
• Peer/self-assessment
• Group discussions such as Socratic Seminars
• Exit/entrance tickets
• Observations
• Baseline or diagnostic assessments
• Pre/Post Tests
• Student portfolios
• Presentations or performances
• Essays/Reports
• Labs/Investigations
• Open-ended tasks
• Community Project
• District and State assessments
Criterion Assessment: Subject-specific rubrics are used to determine student achievement levels a minimum of two times a year in each subject area.
Service Learning (6th grade): Students participate in a series of foundational projects to introduce them to the service-learning process.
Service Learning (7th grade): Students participate in class projects to further their understanding and prepare them for independence needed to complete the 8th grade Community Project.
MYP Community Project (8th grade):
Community project engages students in a sustained, in-depth inquiry leading to service as action in the community. The community project may be completed individually or by groups of a maximum of three students and presented to all stakeholders at the end of the middle years programme. Students in 8th grade have the guidance of a mentor but are responsible for carrying out the entire process of creating, implementing, and presenting the project.
Assessment Tracking:
Student progress is tracked and documented to allow for goal setting and development of action plans. The expectation of goal setting around meeting the objectives and standards is explicitly taught within our curriculum and is articulated from sixth to eighth grade. All students monitor their academics using FOCUS online portal and use this resource consistently to make and review SMART goals.
Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders:
Parents/Guardians & Families
- set and monitor goals for future learning
- track and monitor data
- celebrate achievements
- reflect on their own work and the work of their peers
- review and understand assessment rubrics
- advocate for themselves and be effective communicators when working with their teachers
- be principled when completing work, regardless of the weight or value of the assignment
- attend class every day, and take initiative when classes or assessments are missed
- be open and communicate about struggles or lack of understanding at all times
- nurture relationships with peers, teachers, and parents in the interest of being a successful student
- work with teachers to establish due dates for work, and then meet those deadlines every time
- set and monitor goals for future learning
- track and monitor data
- celebrate achievements
- provide timely feedback on student performance
- communicate expectations for student performance using IB assessment criteria
- consider the student’s entire schedule when planning summative assessments
- assess each IB assessment criteria at least two times per year
- use formative assessments to plan and modify instruction
- work collaboratively to create common assessments and rubrics.
- ensure accuracy in grading practices
- differentiate learning experiences to meet the needs of all learners
- communicate progress and maintain open communication with parents and students
- discuss academic goals
- track and monitor data
- celebrate achievements
- retain login credentials and check FOCUS regularly for student progress.
- encourage students to use school planners and then check them regularly
- have daily conversations with students about their progress, struggles, and concerns
- when possible, provide a quiet and structured environment that is conducive to learning
- communicate with teachers often and ask questions to advocate for your student
- participate in conferences - as needed
- provide accurate email/phone number for receiving report cards and progress reports
Assessment and Inclusion: Students with individualized learning needs, as outlined in their IEPs or 504s, are allowed inclusive access arrangements and reasonable adjustments (e.g., additional time, use of assistive technology, breaks, etc.) for all assessments in one or more subjects as appropriate to their needs.
Assessment and Academic Integrity: Students are expected to produce work and tests based upon their own ideas and exhibit honesty in using sources. Both teachers and students have important roles to play in ensuring all work in school is done with integrity. These roles, the principles behind them, and the consequences for academic dishonesty are outlined in our Academic Integrity policy.
Communication about Student Progress
• School Messenger
• FOCUS Messages
• Midterm Progress Reports and Report cards (quarterly)
IEP Goal Progress Reports quarterly
• Assessment reports in FOCUS
Reviewing the Policy: Our Pedagogical Leadership Team, which is made up of our administrative team, IB Coordinator, AVID Coordinator, and teachers will review all policies on an annual basis and will make revisions as necessary.