(scroll down for Semester 2 Activities)

    Xello Day PowerPoint -- coming soon!

    Xello Day Handout -- coming soon!


    Review Course Planner

    1.  Log into Clever and click on Xello. 

    2.  Click on Course Planner on the right-hand side. 

    • Students who created a Course Planner in 8th Grade will have all 4 years mapped out with classes. You can update your classes at this time. 
    • For students who did NOT create a Course Planner, you will only have your current schedule in the 9th Grade column. You will now begin selecting courses for grades 10-12. 
      • Start by clicking on the plus (+) sign in blue next to Add English 10. This will bring you to a page with the English options at our school. You will need to add one of the options for 10th Grade. 
      • After adding an English class, click the Math 10  > toggle button in the upper right-hand side. This will take you to your 10th Grade math options.
      • You will continue to select the rest of your core and elective classes for all of 10th-12th Grade. 
    • For the plan to be complete, you must have 24 credits total, which includes core classes for each year and electives.
    • Click Ready to submit in the blue box at the bottom of the plan. 


    Program Prospects

    1.  Log into Clever and click on Xello.

    2.  In the Core lessons box, click Get started under Program Prospects.

    3.  If you have not already saved 3 majors you are interested in, click on Explore Majors.

    • To save a major, you can scroll through the majors or type in a keyword or major. Then click on the major and click the heart () to save.
      • You must save a minimum of 3 majors.
    • Click Xello in the top left corner to return to the homepage. 
    • In the Core lessons box, click Get started under Program Prospects
      • Go through the questions, answering which career relates to the statement. 
      • Work through the vocabulary of the different pathways you can go through. 
      • The lesson is complete once you reach the "Congratulations" page.
        • Click Done to be brought back to the homepage. 


    Creating a Personalized Career and Academic Plan (PCAP)

    1.  Log into Clever and click on Xello.

    2.  Under Explore at the top, select Pathways.



    Creating a Personalized Career and Academic Plan (PCAP)

    1.  Log into Clever and click on Xello.