• Personalized Learner Pathway or PLP is a platform that encourages your child to look at their FSA assessmetns in Math and Language Arts to see how they can improve. 

    Students can asccess PLP through Cleaver.  All students will be working with their teachers to log into both Cleaver and the Personalized Learner Pathway.

    For more information on how to use the PLP click on the link below.

    How to Use Personalized Learner Pathway


    Should you have any questions please feel free to contact your child's guidance couselor.

    6th Grade - Ms. Centner ext. 2127  centners@pcsb.org

    7th Grade - Mr. White ext. 2137 whitest@pcsb.org

    8th Grade - Ms. Krupp ext. 2124 kruppk@pcsb.org