6th Grade Office
Greetings incoming 6th grade families! Ms. Jessica Scott, will be your 6th grade assistant Principal at Osceola MS. We are excited to begin a new academic year with your student and your family.
If you have any questions, please call or email Ms. Scott, scottjes@pcsb.org or 727-547-7689 ext. 2014.
Please call the 6th Grade Office if your child is absent, needs to leave early for an appointment or to set up a Parent/Teacher Conference. Conferences do not start any earlier than 8:50am.Ms. Carroll is the 6th Grade Office Clerk - 547-7689 ext. 2036 or email at carrollst@pcsb.org.Mrs. McLellan is the 6th Grade Counselor - 547-7689 ext. 2060 or email at mclellana@pcsb.org.