Our Perkins Gifted Team!
Anne Ware & Ilyse Fisher
Welcome to the Perkins Elementary Gifted and Talented Program!
This year, the primary grades will embark on an adventure to the past through the study of Ancient Egypt, while the intermediate students will engage in a unit on Transformations in Stories and Arguments. These units include accelerated content, engaging activities, and differentiated tasks.
Your two amazing and creative teachers are Mrs. Ilyse Fisher and Ms. Anne Ware.
Attached are the teacher wish lists if you would like to donate toward this year’s adventures:
High Achiever
Remembers the answers
Is interested
Is attentive
Generates advanced ideas
Works hard to achieve
Answers the question in detail
Performs at the top of the group
Responds with interest and opinions
Learns with ease
Needs 6-8 repetitions for mastery
Comprehends at a high level
Enjoys the company of age peers
Understands complex, abstract humor
Grasps the meaning
Completes assignments on time
Is receptive
Is accurate and complete
Enjoys school often
Absorbs information
Memorizes well
Is highly alert and observant
Is pleased with his own learning
Gets A’s
Is Able
Gifted Learner
Poses unforeseen questions
Is curious
Is selectively mentally engaged
Generates complex, abstract ideas
Knows without working hard
Ponders with depth and multiple perspectives
Is beyond the group
Exhibits feelings and opinions from multiple perspectives
Already knows.
Needs 1-3 repetitions for mastery
Comprehends in-depth, complex ideas
Prefers the company of intellectual peers
Creates complex abstract humor
Infers and connects concepts
Initiates projects and extensions of assignments.
Is intense
Is original and continually developing
Is original and continually developing
Enjoys self directed learning
Manipulates information
Guesses and infers well
Anticipates and relates observations
Is self –critical
May not be motivated by grades
Is intellectual
Creative Thinker
Sees exceptions
Daydreams; may seem off task
Overflows with ideas, which will never be developed
Plays with ideas and concepts
Injects new possibilities
Shares bizarre, sometimes conflicting opinions
Questions: What if?
Questions the need for mastery
Overflows with ideas, many of which will never be developed
Prefers the company of creative peers but often works alone
Relishes wild off the wall humor
Makes mental leaps. Aha!
Initiates more projects than will ever be completed
Is independent and unconventional
Is original and continually developing
Enjoys creating
Is an inventor and idea generator
Creates and brainstorms well
Is intuitive
Is never finished with possibilities
May not be motivated by grades
Is idiosyncratic