Perkins Pics!

  •  Our Spanish Department loves to put on a show!  Familia Contenta, our Perkins Talent Show, & Familia Cicatriz

         Familia Cicatriz  Spanish Teachers Talent Show  Familia Cicatriz 2  Familia Contenta

      Our Art students find inspiration everywhere!

    Art supplies on table         Art Kimono       Nili Isakson and her art.

    Blue Bird Art Piece  .  Emma Kennedy's Artwork     Mercedes Sandoval Art  Juno Welch and her artwork  sunflower artwork


    Our Student Council works very hard each year to ensure our Fall Canned Food Drive is a total success!

           Student Council working on canned food drive



     Our very own band teacher, Mr. Heller, was featured as an A+ teacher by Bay News 9!


    Click here to watch Mr. Heller's feature on Bay News 9!

    Mr. Heller A+ Teacher



    Mrs. Ware's Yoga Focus Group

        Mrs. Ware's Yoga Focus Group

    Our Annual Fall Festival is a favorite Perkins family event!

    Our annual Fall Festival event is a joint effort put on by our Perkins PTA and Staff.  This family event is always filled with fun activities such as our dunk tank, arts & crafts, delicious food, fun games, hayrides and student performances!

        Fall Festival Welcome  .  Dunk tank Mrs. Mayhew  . Arts & crafts  


          Band Performance  .  Hayrides  .  

     Art News!

    5th Grade Art Focus students were invited to be special guests at the Duncan McClellan Glass Art Studio.  These students worked with international artist Richard Jolley.  They worked HANDS ON with Mr. Jolley to create four hot glass art works.  This was the first time the studio invited students to actually do the glass work in the studio themselves.

    You can find these finished glass pieces at our Annual Art Focus Exhibit on our campus.  Our students did an amazing job participating, respecting the working hot glass studio space, and listening to the artist's instructions.  Way to go Perkins artists!

    Students firing glass       5th grade Art Focus DMG      Layla with her glasswork