English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
The English for Speakers of Other Languages is designed to meet the diverse needs of English Language Learners (ELLs) who come from home environments in which the native language is other than English. These students may have difficulty understanding, speaking, reading, and writing the English language without additional support. Currently, students who are eligible for the ESOL program services, based on test results, represent more than 80 languages.
ESOL Goals
- To help students attain English language proficiency so they can succeed and excel in academics.
- To provide instruction that satisfies diverse cultural and language needs.
- To promote an appreciation of different cultures and their contributions to our society.
ESOL Coordinator: Ms. Lara Carter

February & March 2024 - ESOL Family Newsletter
ESOL Family Newsletter Feb March 2024 English and Spanish.pdf 696.94 KB (Last Modified on February 21, 2024)