Cafeteria Information

  • The Pinellas County School District participates in the National School Lunch/Breakfast Program. Dinner is also available in select schools for students enrolled in afterschool programs. Nutritious meals, which include a variety of hot and cold options, are served every school day.


    All meals served meet the patterns established by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.


    You can find lunch menus, apply for school lunch, meal accounts, and My Bucks ( online.


    Our school's monthly breakfast and lunch menu is also available under "Site Shortcuts" on the bottom of Jamerson's Homepage.


    ***Jamerson Elementary School will require that all foods and beverages sold, served, and offered during the school day, and the extended school day, meet Smart Snack's guidelines. We do not offer food/beverage from outside venues (includes vending machines, school stores, and snack carts).