eBooks and Audiobooks through Destiny
Login using your R2D2 credentials then:
Browse from the eBooks and Audiobooks carousels on the Destiny Discover homepage.
- Next to the Search bar, click Search Options, and then select eBook or Audiobook/Recorded Sound from the Format drop-down to limit your search.
- Search all library materials. Use the filters on the left side of the Search Results page to narrow your search. Select Format, and then Follett eBook or Follett Audiobook.
Click on the cover or title for more information.
Check Out
To ensure you can access a title later, check it out. From the Search Results or a title's details, click Checkout next to the title.
Note: You must be logged in, and there must be available copies, for Checkout to appear.
Read Online
If you do not need to access the title later, you can read online. From Search Results or a title's details, click Open to read an eBook or Play to listen to an audiobook. When you are done, click the Close Book button in the Destiny Discover header to make it immediately available to others.
Access Checkouts
- In the Destiny Discover header, select Main Menu , and then Checkouts or My Stuff > Checkouts (depending on your version of Destiny Discover).
- Click Open (for an eBook) or Play (for an audiobook).
Checked-out titles are automatically returned at the end of the loan period. To return a title and make it available to others before the due date:
- In the Destiny Discover header, select , and then Checkouts or My Stuff > Checkouts (depending on your version of Destiny Discover).
- Click Return.