If you are interested in attending one (or many!) Parent Academy workshops, please register by clicking https://tinyurl.com/PCSParentAcademy.

    or type the following into your browser https://tinyurl.com/PCSParentAcademy. For webinars, the meeting link will be sent to the email address you are using for registration.

    Some community events require separate registration or you are welcome to just drop in. Refer to the workshop description for specific information.

    • Dates, times and locations are accurate at time of publication; courses listed in this guide are subject to change. Therefore,  pre-register and any updates will be sent via email.
    • All Parent Academy courses are free of charge and designed for parents, caregivers and community members. Students are welcome to attend along with their families if appropriate.
    • For questions, contact Sheila Kane, Family and Community Engagement Coordinator, at kanes@pcsb.org or 727-588-6000 x1846
    • Click here to view the Parent Academy 2018 spring catalog in a new window