Welcome to St. Petersburg High School's International Baccalaureate Preparation Programme
To get a head-start, freshmen can complete an optional writing diagnostic and even get some subsequent skill practice over the summer; just join up with the class on Quill.org with the code swan-egg. (Once you complete the diagnostic, Mr. Benton will open up some activities to help you brush on your skills.)
And — while there’s no assigned reading — Mr. Benton also highly encourages all incoming freshmen to find interesting books to read over the summer. (If you’re not sure where to start, here are some recommendations from this year’s Florida Teens Read list.) Beyond that, if you read a great book, watch a thought-provoking movie, or binge a compelling series — try cranking out an analytical thesis statement or two.
Should you need any help at any point, or if you have any questions about the year ahead with English 2, feel free to email Mr. Benton anytime at bentonro@pcsb.org.
You've applied, you've been invited, and you've accepted! Now what? The next step in the process is registration.
Students will bring a parent to drop off all the paperwork needed so we can register their child for St. Petersburg High School.
You must bring all the items on the Registration Checklist when you come for registration. A copy of all required forms will be available when you register.
Complete the following steps for your IB registration to be completed:
_______ 1. Complete Student Registration Form
_______ 2. Complete the green Course Request Form, including the World Language section, AND rank order six elective choices
For electives, please view our Course Catalog here: https://www.pcsb.org/Page/39816
_______ 3. Complete the District Application Parent/ Student Commitment Agreement
_______ 4. Complete and sign the EOC Information Sheet.
_______ 5. Copies of two proofs of residence that we can keep
PRIVATE SCHOOL STUDENTS PLEASE ALSO INCLUDE A PRINTED COPY OF THE FOLLOWING: Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, Physical, Immunization Record