• stemlogo S.T.E.M. Club

    The STEM Club is designed to peak a child's interest in the fields Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math using project-based learning.  Students will do hands-on activities related to STEM concepts, explore careers, and complete an inquiry project.  Applications were available in the beginning of the year for 4th and 5th graders for the 26-week program.  In April, students will participate in the STEM expo.
  • 5000 logo 5000 Role Models of Excellence

    The program is designed to boost the self-image, increase social skills, and academic performance of targeted males, in part, by motivating them to interact with respected and successful men whose real-life accomplishments can inspire young males to succeed. Students are paired up with mentors and they meet bi-weekly to discuss academics, current teen issues, and world-wide issues. Students are recommended by their teachers, peers, counselors, and administrators. Students must have parental consent and meet all program requirements.

  • gf logo Girlfriends of Pinellas County Schools

    Girlfriends create a supportive environment for young ladies in Pinellas County that will promote student achievement, encourage positive behaviors, enhance self-discipline, develop personal dependability, cultivate high self-esteem, build strong relationships, encourage community service, and provide positive role models.  Parental participation is encouraged through parent/girl meetings and workshops.
  • newslogo BPE News Crew

    Students in grades 4 & 5 may apply to join the BPE News Crew in the Fall. Students learn to work the equipment and anchor the news sharing important announcements and events.

  • saflogo Safety Patrol

    4th grade teachers make a recommendation in May to nominate students for the next year's Safety Patrol. As 5th graders, students will be expected to commit for the entire year, maintain good grades, and serve a role model to other students. They are on duty before and after school.