Symphonic Band

The Symphonic Band is the intermediate level concert band of the program, and is comprised of students that have the ability to perform music at grade 3 or higher. Membership in Marching Band is not required for participation in this ensemble.


Students register for Symphonic Band as a class of the day and rehearse both during and after school. They are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances, and will participate in local and statewide adjudications and competitions. In the spring, members participate in a "Concert Band Camp" including sectional coaches and masterclasses with musicians from throughout the Bay Area, state, and upper educational institutions. The Symphonic Band will also take part in an overnight trip every other year in the Spring. There is a financial commitment required for all Concert Band students. This covers guest clinicians, music, licensing, transportation, Concert Band Camp, travel, and more. There are many fundraising opportunities available to offset the financial burden - please see Fair Share and Fundraising under the Booster link in the main menu for more information. There are also many volunteers needed with opportunities to chaperone, drive, and assist in numerous other ways during Concert Season.


The Symphonic Band has performed at nearly every Music Performance Assessment since the start of the Band Program.  Twice, they have performed at the FBA State Concert Band Festival.  In 2015, the Symphonic Band was named champion of the Concert Band 3A Division at the Music USA Festival in Orlando, Florida.  In 2014, they were runner up at the OrlandoFest Music Festival.  In each of the last 2 years, the Symphonic Band has received an Excellent rating on stage and Superior ratings in Sight Reading at the District Concert Band Festival.