Percussion Ensemble

The Seminole High School Percussion Ensemble is part of the Concert Band Program. Students register for the "Instrumental Techniques Class: Percussion" and rehearse during school each day, learning to play and perform on instruments such as marimba, vibes, snare drum, tympani, and the vast myriad of auxiliary instruments that make up the Percussive Art.  This class includes percussionists for the Concert Bands:  Wind Ensemble & Symphonic Band.  These students will rehearse concert literature both individually and as a group.  In addition, they will rehearse litearture for Percussion Ensemble.


There are no prerequisite requirements to join the Percussion Ensemble. Each member will learn music and perform with either the Wind Ensemble or the Symphonic Band, depending on skill level and to be determined by the Band Director and Percussion Director. Students are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances in conjunction with their assigned ensemble. Groups will participate in local and statewide adjudications and competitions, and will take part in an overnight trip every other year in the Spring.


There is a financial commitment required for all Concert Band students. This covers guest clinicians, music, licensing, transportation, Concert Band Camp, travel, and more. There are many fundraising opportunities available to offset the financial burden - please see Fair Share and Fundraising under the Booster link in the main menu for more information. There are also many volunteers needed with opportunities to chaperone, drive, and assist in numerous other ways during Concert Season.


The Seminole Percussion Ensemble has performed at every Solo and Ensemble Festival for the last 15 years, earning superior ratings.  They have performed solo and ensemble literature at the State level as well.  In 2014, the Percussion Ensemble was 1st place at the Orlando Fest Music Festival.  Later that year, they performed at the Hillsborough Community College Percussion Festival in Tampa, Florida.  The ensemble has performed a wide variety of literature from Yanni and Jim Casella to Tchaikovsky.  The ensemble has split into 2 choirs, several soloists or chamber groups, and also performed in choirs of 15 to 25 students in a single piece.