Jazz Big Band

Seminole High School Big Band

The Jazz Big Band is an audition only ensemble that rehearses strictly after school hours. They are the elite Jazz Ensemble of Seminole High School, and they appear in the following performances: 

Jazz MPA

Jazz State MPA 

Lakeside Jazz Festival 

All-County Jazz Band


Students must audition and be selected to perform with the Big Band.  During the fall semester, the Big Band will rehearse once a week after school in preparation for the Winter Concert.  In the Spring, they rehearse twice a week in preparation for District Music Performance Assessment as well as a spring trip.  


There is a financial commitment required for all Concert Band students. This covers guest clinicians, music, licensing, transportation, Concert Band Camp, travel, and more. There are many fundraising opportunities available to offset the financial burden - please see Fair Share and Fundraising under the Booster link in the main menu for more information. There are also many volunteers needed with opportunities to chaperone, drive, and assist in numerous other ways during Concert Season.


The Seminole Big Band has earned Superior Ratings at the District Jazz Festival for over 20 years.  From there, they continue on to the State Jazz Festival where they have given amazing performances, earning straight Superior Ratings in 2016.  They were named Grand Champion of the Heritage Music Festival in Washington, D.C. and earned inidividual awards for oustanding soloists.  The Seminole Big Band is known throughout the Bay Area and State for their focused study of the Jazz Genre and passionate student performances.