High Noon Jazz Ensemble
Students of the Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Combos will engage in the study of the jazz, America's original artform, through a performance oriented medium. They are part of the Concert Band Program, and are comprised of students that have the desire and ability to study and perfect jazz technique. The class is open to any existing band student without audition. Membership in Marching Band is required for participation in this ensemble although exceptions may be made for members of the rhythm section, at the discretion on the Band Director.
Students register for the Jazz Ensemble/Jazz Combo as a class and rehearse during school. They are required to attend all rehearsals and performances, and will take part in an overnight trip every other year in the Spring.
There is a financial commitment required for all Concert Band students. This covers guest clinicians, music, licensing, transportation, Concert Band Camp, travel, and more. There are many fundraising opportunities available to offset the financial burden - please see Fair Share and Fundraising under the Booster link in the main menu for more information. There are also many volunteers needed with opportunities to chaperone, drive, and assist in numerous other ways during Concert Season.
The Jazz Combo first began in the 2012-2013 school year as two separate ensembles. Both performed at the District Music Performance Assessment as well as other concerts throughout the school year. In 2014, the Jazz Combo received 1st place at the OrlandoFest Invitational. The Combo was named Grand Champion of the Music USA Festival 2015 in Orlando, also receiving awards for outstanding soloists. In 2016, the Jazz Ensemble performed at the Lakeside Jazz Festival.