Welding Technology - Advanced
Length 750 hours Admissions Contacts Kimere Corthell - corthellk@pcsb.org727-538-7167 ext 2017Course Information 727-538-7167, ext. 2098Flyer Download Program Costs Download
Mission: The mission of this program is to prepare students for employment as welders in pipefitting technique and advanced GTAW skills with an emphasis on advanced welding techniques key to being successful in the welding industry.
Program J400410 consists of a planned sequence of courses.
Advanced Welder 1 – Course PMT0075 (600 hours) – The Advanced Welder 1 course prepares students for entry into the welding industry. Students explore career opportunities and requirements of a professional welder. Content emphasizes advanced skills key to the success of working in the welding industry. Students study intermediate and advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) B-Class Welder, pipe fitting fabrication techniques, and advanced Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) skills.
Advanced Welder 2 – Course PMT0076 (150 hours) – The Advanced Welder 2 course is designed to prepare advanced welders for entry into emerging welding industries. Students explore career opportunities and requirements of a professional welder. Content emphasizes advance skills key to the success of working in the welding industry. Students study emerging technologies directly related to geographically relevant welding needs of business and industry.
Special Admission Requirements: Students must successfully complete the basic Welding Technology program or demonstrate mastery of the skills in that program prior to enrollment in the Welding Technology - Advanced program. Demonstration of mastery is proof of welding certification on GTAW (tig) and SMAW (stick) OR successful completion of welding skills demonstrated using GTAW (tig) and SMAW (stick) OR a combination of welding certification and skills demonstration.
After completing all competencies, students are encouraged and eligible to take the American Welding Society (AWS) certification test. For a fee, the students earn a certification card from AWS. There is an application fee from AWS. The Clearwater campus of Pinellas Technical College is an AWS accredited testing facility.
Distance Education: Not available at this time
Industry Certification(s): AWS Certified Welder
Minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirement: 80%
Minimum Attendance Requirement: 80%
Basic Skills Exit Requirement for Program Completion: Student's competency in computation (mathematics) and communication (reading/language arts) is assessed; required basic skills grade levels are: Computation - 9 and Communication - 9.