Computer Systems and Information Technology

  •   Computer System & Information Technology
    Length  900 hours
    Admissions Contact Jaclyn Cappello |
    Course Information TBD
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    Mission: The mission of this program is to prepare students for employment or advanced training in a variety of occupations in the information technology industry.

    This program prepares the student for the following credentialing exams:

    aplus   net     secplus



    Program Y100200 consists of a planned sequence of courses, the first of which is offered on the Pinellas High Innovation campus in room 12-2; the remainder of the program will be completed on the main campus at PTC-Clearwater.

    Computer Systems Technician - Course CTS0082 (300 Hours) - Training includes proficiency with personal computer hardware, operating systems and software; troubleshooting operating systems, including word processing, databases, reports, spreadsheets, multimedia presentations, electronic calendar, contacts, email, and internet applications; and customer relations, communication skills, and employability skills.


    Computer Network Technician - Course CTS0083 (150 Hours) - Training includes networking protocols, understanding the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, implementing a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), and hardware and software security devices.

    Computer Networking Specialist - Course CTS0084 (150 Hours) - Training includes basic routing concepts; and implement, verify, and troubleshoot Network Address Translation (NAT) and Access Control Lists (ACL) in a medium-size enterprise branch office network.

    Computer Security Technician - Course CTS0069 (300 Hours) - Training includes an understanding of cybersecurity, the terminology used, its history and culture, and trends, dealing with threats, viruses and malware.

    Distance Education – Both distance and hybrid (classroom + online) instruction is available; please refer to the Online Programs and Courses page.

    Articulation Agreement(s): 

    • St. Petersburg College Cybersecurity A.S. Degree
    • St. Petersburg College Computer Information Technology A.S. Degree

    Minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirement:  70%

    Minimum Attendance Requirement:  70%

    Basic Skills Entrance/Exit Requirements:  Student's competency in computation (mathematics) and communication (reading/language arts) is pre-assessed; required basic skills grade levels are: Computation - 9 and Communication - 9.


    Program length and costs are approximate, and subject to change.