• What happens if my child gets sick?

    For those unfortunate times your child becomes ill during the school day, they are to report to Student Services and sign into the clinic. Your child will be able to call you from the clinic phone. If your child calls or texts you from their personal phone, please instruct them to ask the teacher for a pass to go to the clinic. None of our students should be calling or texting from class for any reason.


    Make-Up Work After An Absence

    After an absence, a student must arrange with the teachers for any make-up work. Students have the same number of days they were absent to make up their work except for in the instance of some long-term secondary school assignments. If a secondary teacher assigns a long-term project (when a student has (10) or more school days to complete the work) and gives students advance written notice that even in the event of an absence the project is due on the first day the student returns, then the student is expected to fulfill that requirement. If the work is submitted after the first day back to school, it may be dropped no more than one (1) letter grade for each additional day. Work made up after an unexcused absence (including an out-of-school suspension) must be dropped a letter grade in high school as per School Board Policy.


    Parent Notes Required After An Absense

    Within forty-eight (48) hours of a student's absence, the parent must send a note to school explaining the absence. All notes are to be taken to the Front Office. If that contact does not occur, the absence will be recorded as unexcused. Students have been absent five (5) days or more in a grading period may be required to bring a doctor's note for each absence. Too many absences will lead to a referral to the school's Child Study Team, referral for social work services, referral to Truancy Court, or the involvement of the Office of the State Attorney. Additionally, unexcused absences are reported to the Department of High Safety and Motor Vehicles. Fifteen or more unexcused absences will result in a student losing his/her driving privileges.