• Frequently Asked Questions

    What questions would you like to see answered on this page? E-mail suggestions to Mrs. Argueta
    Q: What should I do if my child is absent?
    A: Send an e-mail to Mrs. Moore at MooreK@pcsb.org  including the child's name, the reason for absence, and date. This can normally all be put in the subject lineJoe Student, out sick, 9/5/13. If the child is absent for more than 3 days, a note from the doctor is required and can be turned in at the front office.
    Q: What should I do if my child is tardy?
    A: Tardies are excused only with a note from a doctor or dentist. Just have your child bring in that note to the front office when returning to school and we will issue them a pass to class. There is no parent signature required to issue a pass to class.
    Q: How do I pick up my child early from school?
    A: Come into the office with your photo ID. Sign the student out of school on the Early Dismissal log. The front office will call the classroom for the student.  All students leaving early MUST be picked up by 2:35 PM. 
    Q: What are the parent requirements for attending PTA and/or SAC meetings?
    A: As a requirement of the fundamental program, every parent/guardian must attend either a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) OR School Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting monthly. There is NO makeup POLICY. You cannot receive credit twice in the same month. You may attend a second meeting during the month for informational purposes, but you will not get credit for two meetings. You must attend one meeting each month, for a total of eight (8) meetings in a school year.  An individual may only represent one family, therefore you cannot hold more than one signature card at any meeting.  You must remain present in the meeting for the entire duration.  PTA/SAC signature cards must be picked up before the meeting (no later than 6:15 p.m. for SAC credit and no later than 5:15 p.m. or 7:15 p.m. for PTA credit). Cards are not given out after the cut-off time. More information on this process is posted in the Fundamental Guidelines, in your child’s planner, and on the PTA/SAC signature card.
    Q: How does the fundamental dress code differ from the Pinellas County Schools dress code?
    A: Please see the details about our dress code here
    Q: What will happen if my child loses his/her planner?
    A: Students who come to school without a planner will be issued a temporary "Planner Page" by their first teacher of the day and will receive 1 demerit for materials in that class.  The student should bring the planner page home for a parent's signature and return it to the teacher the next day.  If the planner is permanently lost, a replacement can be purchased for $6.00, payable by cash or check.  Each student may only possess and use one CFMS-issued planner.
    Q: Can my child ride a school bus to CFMS?
    A: No, bus transportation is not provided to CFMS, as it is a fundamental school.  
Last Modified on July 13, 2024