• CFMS Literacy Program

    How to Find a Book:

    Use the Reading Counts website link above to find books at your reading level and in your area of interest.

    • In the search bar, type in the title then click on the title for detailed information about the book including the book's word count.  If a book cannot be found through title search, then try searching by author.
    • Remember that fiction books must have 25,000 words and non-fiction books must have 5,000 words in order to fulfill incentive program requirements.
    Program Details:
    Students will have 16 minutes to enjoy silent reading during their 7th period class.  
    • Books may be either fiction OR nonfiction, as long as they meet the requirements (25,000 words for fiction, 5,000 words for nonfiction).



Last Modified on October 15, 2024