In the Limelight: School Highlights & Celebrations
🌍 Exploring Earth's Layers with Edible Models! 🍬
Posted by Mayra Argueta on 8/26/2024Ms. Yindra's science class took a hands-on approach to learning about the Earth's layers by using some tasty tools—Pretzel M&Ms and Milky Ways! Students modeled the layers of the Earth using these candies, analyzing each model to compare it to the real thing. While both models offered unique insights, they also had their own limitations. It was a fun and educational experience that made Earth science a bit sweeter!
ScienceIsSweet #EarthScience #HandsOnLearning #EdibleExperiments
Rubber Band Contest for Young Inventors
Posted by Mayra Argueta on 8/23/2024Congratulations to our Trailblazers! These students submitted work for the Rubber Band Contest for Young Inventors through the School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering at The University of Akron. They won prizes ranging from $75 to $125 for their work! We are so proud of them!Leila Patrick - You Are Perfect Din Krivdic - Balloon PumpMackenzie Crum - On the Horizon Jillian Holland - Dress to InspireEmma Livingston - Will Stepler - The Dog Pooper ScooperAn Average Middle Schooler