• Article 2014 Draft Alternative(s) Recommendation
    " "Name of committee – the name of this committee shall be “Garrison-Jones Elementary School Advisory Council”. In these bylaws, the committee will be referred to as the “Garrison-Jones SAC” or “SAC”.

    Purpose/Goal – the SAC shall be the sole body responsible for final decision-making at the school relating to implementation of the provisions of the Florida Statutes Ss. 229.591, 229.592, and 230.23. The council shall also assist in the preparation of the school’s annual budget and plan as required by s.229.555. As defined in Florida Statutes and by School Board Rule, the SAC shall…
    1) assist in the preparation and evaluation of the School Improvement Plan (SIP)
    2) assist in the preparation of the school’s annual budget and play
    3) use funds as provided in the annual General Appropriations Act to implement the school improvement plan
    4) develop, monitor, and revise the school improvement plan
    5) use a collaborative process to involve all members in actions and decision-making of the council
    6) provide leadership, support and assistance in reaching the goals of the SIP and the vision of Garrison-Jones Elementary"
    " "As defined in s. 229.58, a majority (51%) of the members of the SAC must be persons who are not employed by the school. The council shall be composed of the principal and an appropriately balanced number of teachers, education support employees, parents, and other business and community citizens who are representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school.

    1) Teacher(s) – defined to include classroom teachers, certified student services personnel, and media specialists.
    2) Education Support Employee(s) – defined to include any person employed by a school who is not defined as instructional or administrative personnel pursuant to s. 228.041.
    3) Parent(s)- defined to include a parent(s) or guardian(s) of a student currently enrolled at Garrison-Jones Elementary.
    4) Business and Community Citizen(s) – defined to include any individual representing a local business or community near Garrison-Jones Elementary
    5) Principal – The principal shall be a permanent member of the SAC. In the event of an absence, the principal may send a designee of his/her choice to serve in his/her place."
    "Article III
    Committees" The GJ SAC may create Ad-Hoc committees as needed, such as SIP, Bylaw Review, etc. to promote the objectives and carry on the work of the SAC. All scheduled committee meetings must be posted with three (3) days notice with the Principal. All committees must record minutes of the meeting and provide copies to the membership at the following scheduled general meeting.
    "Article IV
    Elections" "As defined in s. 229.58 and s.b.1.3, the constituency of the council shall be the parents/guardians of students attending Garrison-Jones Elementary, employees of Garrison-Jones Elementary and representatives of the community and local businesses. Efforts will be made to achieve a SAC membership representative of the ethnic, racial and economic community served by the council. Except as prescribed below, membership in this council is by election.

    1) The principal shall be a permanent member of this council
    2) There shall be members elected to the council from each of the following constituents groups. A majority (51%) of the members must not be employed by the Pinellas County School Board. The principal and the officers will determine the council maximum number from each group annually.

    a) Teachers – minimum one (1)
    b) Support Staff – minimum one (1)
    c) Parents/Guardians – minimum three (3)
    d) Community – nominated by the principal or member, approved by the council, minimum one(1)
    3) Appointments may be made by the principal to comply with Florida Law.

    4) Elections shall take place annually, at the end of the school year for a term of two years. Community persons serve for two years or until his/her successor is appointed. .
    a) Staff and Faculty will be elected at the last meeting of the school year.
    b) Parent nominations will be solicited through newsletters, marquee and school announcements. Parents shall be elected by a majority vote of their peer group who are in attendance at the May SAC meeting for which notice of such election has been given.
    5) If a vacancy occurs, the position will be filled from within the respective constituent group that the vacncy occurs, for the remainder of the unexpired term.
    a) A vacancy occurs with resignation or absenteeism defined as two regularly scheduled meetings missed during the school year. A written notice to the Officers for emergency situations may excuse the absence.
    b) Vacancies also may occur when school employees or students of concil members are transferred.
    c) C) the new member may be appointed and agreed upon by consensus by existing SAC members to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term."
    "Article V
    Officers " "1) SAC officers shall be elected from the current SAC membership. Election to an office will automatically extged the SAC membership for the duration of the term.
    2) Officers and their election:
    a) The officers of the council shall consist of one (1) chairperson, one (1) vice-chiarperson, one (1) secretary as areed upon by a consensus of the council.
    b) Officers shall be elected by the current SAC members at the May meeting.
    c) Officers shall assume their official duties on July 1, and shall serve for a term of one (1) year or until his/her successors are elected.
    d) A person shall not be eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office unless agreed upon by a consensus of the Council.
    3) Vacancies:
    A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term bya person elected by a majority vote of the elected members of council, notice of such election having been given. "
    "Article VI
    Officer Duties" "1) The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the SAC and the officers at which he/she may be present and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned to him/her by the council. In addition the Chair:
    a) Shall coordinate the work of the officers and committees formed by the council to promote school improvement.
    b) Shall coordinate SAC meeting agenda
    c) Shall monitor SAC membership for vacancy replacement
    d) Shall represent the SAC a appropriate district meetings
    e) Shall disseminate agenda, minutes and other information to SAC members atleast three days prior to the SAC meeting
    f) May sign all letters, reports, and other communications of the G-J SAC
    g) Work with the bookkeeper to track expenditure of funds and keep accurate data of the budget and all monies requested an spent.

    2) Vice-Chairperson shall act as an aide to the chair and shall perform the duties of the chairman on his/her absence.

    3) The Secretary responsibilities of the Secretary will include
    a) To keep minutes of all meetings. Minutes shall be promptly transmitted to the Chairperson for review and included in the information for review prior to the next month’s meeting.
    b) The secretary shall keep an accurate record of attendance and shall notify the chairperson and the Principal of any member who has missed more than two meetings.
    c) Correspondence as assigned by the Chairperson.
    d) Keep a register of the email, street address, and contact numbers of each member, which shall be furnished, to the Secretary by such members
    e) Any other responsibilities designated by the Chairperson."
    "Article VII
    Rules of Participation" "1) Membership Terms – Terms will be for two years and will begin immediately upon election. SAC members may be re-elected for consecutive terms.
    2) Attendance – Each member is expected to attend meetings. In the event of an anticipated absence, the member will notify the Chairperson.
    3) Any member who has two unexcused consecutive absences from a SAC meeting will be replaced according to the procedures in the bylaws. (ss229.28)
    4) Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with the SAC Chairperson.
    5) When a member leaves or has missed two consecutive meetings he/she shall be replaced by a majority affirmative vote by an individual in the same category."
    "Article VIII
    Meeting Rules" "1) Each meeting of the SAC shall be held in a location at such time and under such circumstances as reasonably necessary to ensure that no one shall be denied access. There shall be an agenda prepared in writing, before each meeting, copies which shall be made available to everyone.
    2) The SAC shall be subject to the public records and sunshine laws (ss.286.011). Meetings and records shall be open to the public unless an exemption is provided by law. The principal on the school is designated as the custodian of records kept and maintained in the operation of the SAC.
    3) The Agenda and all supporting documentation shall be distributed at least three (3) days in advance of each meeting.
    4) Regular meetings of the SAC shall be determined at the beginning of the school year for the remainder of the school year by the council. Members are required to attend all meetings.
    5) Special Meetings – A non-schedule meeting can be held only upon notice to all members from the Chairperson or designee of the SAC at least 5 days prior to the meeting date. Notice of a special meeting shall be posted on the marquee.
    6) The council will attempt to make all decisions by consensus. Consensus is defined as agreement among all members of the SAC. In the event that consensus cannot be reached, a vote shall be taken. A majority vote is required for approval.
    7) Proxy – The Principal may assign his/her proxy for quorum and voting purposes and may delegate his/her vote, in his/her absence to his designee.
    8) Quorum – A majority (51%) of members must be present (or accounted for by proxy in the case of the Principal) to conducts a meeting, elect officers or make decisions by vote.
    9) Agenda/Minutes/Attendance – An agenda, minutes, supporting documents, and attendance form from the previous regular meeting will be distributed to all members at least one week prior to each regular meeting.
    10) Voting – Business items will be decided by a majority vote, providing the proper quorum is in attendance. Each member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted for a vote. All decisions of the GJ SAC shall be made only after an affirmative vote of a majority of its members in attendance. Aprincipal may not override the recommendations of the SAC.
    11) Visitors – Visitors are welcome and encouraged.
    12) Meeting Length – The membership will attempt to keep the meetings to a maximum of one hour based on the needs of the SAC to address agenda items.
    13) Funds - "