Spanish 1
*Spanish classes are available starting in 7th grade* The first step in your journey to language proficiency, this course is a high school level course that enables you to earn one high school credit by the end of the school year (if criteria is met). Learning another language opens many doors as you prepare for college and for your career. In this first course, students will be introduced to the foundations of the Spanish language with a strong focus on communication in the present tense. The units of study for this course include: Getting to Know You (Saludos y Despedidas), Who Am I? (¿Quién Soy Yo?), Leisure Time (El Tiempo Libre), and School and Family Life (La Escuela y La Familia). Several high school magnet programs require that you have at least one year of a foreign language in order to apply.
Spanish 2
A continuation to the Spanish 1 course, this high school level class that enables you to earn one high school credit by the end of the school year (if criteria are met). Just one year of language is not enough to become proficient and students are highly encouraged to continue their Spanish studies in middle school so that they are able to take higher level and AP courses in high school. Our goals are for students to be able to use and produce the language through listening, speaking, and writing, and to learn and understand some of the many cultures of the Spanish speaking world. The units of study for this course include: The Role of Food in a Country’s Culture (El papel/rol de la comida en la cultura de un país), A Balanced & Healthy Lifestyle (Una vida balanceada y saludable), Shopping, Clothing & Money Around the World (Las compras, la ropa, y el dinero alrededor del mundo), and Travel and Celebrations (Viajes y celebraciones). By the end of the year, students will be able to communicate in Spanish in the present and past (preterite) tenses.
CGS Spanish 3 Honors (for Gifted Immersion Students)
This is a high school honors level class that enables students to earn high school credit by the end of the school year. This course is unique, as it is tailored toward the needs of middle school immersion students through the use of gifted strategies. It is taught only in Spanish and students are expected to communicate only in the target language. Our goal is for students to fine tune and deepen their knowledge of the Spanish language (just as a heritage speaker does in a Spanish speaking country) in order to acquire the skills necessary to be college and career ready. Skills focused on throughout the year will be listening, speaking, and writing. Students will also analyze and compare some of the many cultures of the Spanish speaking world through authentic sources and literature. Units of study for this course include: Daily Life and the Community (La vida cotidiana y la comunidad), Professions, Health, and Recreation (Los oficios, la salud y el recreo), Free Time and Childhood (El tiempo libre y la niñez), Restaurant and Food (El restaurante y la comida).
CGS Spanish 4 Honors (for Gifted Immersion Students)
This course takes Spanish Immersion students to a more polished and native-like level of Spanish proficiency and provides students with a solid foundation for Spanish 5 and AP courses. It is the continuation of Spanish 3 Honors is a high school level class that enables students to earn high school credit by the end of the school year. This course is unique, as it is tailored towards the needs of middle school immersion students through the use of gifted strategies. It is taught only in Spanish and students are expected to communicate only in the target language. Our goal is for students to fine tune and deepen their knowledge of the Spanish language (just as a heritage speaker does in a Spanish speaking country) in order to acquire the skills necessary to be college and career ready. Skills focused on throughout the year will be listening, speaking, and writing. Students will also analyze and compare some of the many cultures of the Spanish speaking world through authentic sources and literature. The units of study for this course include: (Daily Life, Family, and the Community) La vida cotidiana, la famila y la comunidad), Relationships and Art (Las relaciones y el arte), The Media and Aspirations (Los medios de comunicación y las aspiraciones), and The Past and the Environment (El pasado y el medioambiente).
Spanish Instructor
Inma Caballos