• cTED


    The mission of CTED is: Empowering tomorrow’s leaders through collaborative learning in technology, entertainment, and design, while having a positive impact on our community.


    The vision of CTED is to lay a foundation for success for our students in the dynamic technological workforce.  


    Student in CTED  will engage in curriculum that is integrated and provides accelerated options focused on student interests. They will engage in cross-curricular projects as a cohort group to develop a deeper mastery of content standards.

    Career Pathways & Other Opportunities within CTED

    We have 5 pathways for students in the CTED Academy:

    • Digital Design
    • Business Management & Entrepreneurship
    • Digital Media/TV Production
    • Procedural Programming
    • Sports Marketing & Entertainment Management


    Advisory Board

    CTED has an Advisory Board that meets 4-6 times each year. Our advisory board is comprised of industry professionals, post-secondary representatives, CTED teachers, parents, and student representatives. If you are interested in joining our Advisory Board, please email us at thompsoncou@pcsb.org.

    Digital Design ~ Procedural Programming ~ Business Management & Entrepreneurship
    Digital Video/TV Production ~ Sports Marketing & Entertainment Management