Student Parking

  • Students must complete this form and pay the $10 fee prior to parking on campus.

    Student Parking Form

    All students who drive on campus must have a hanging parking permit in their vehicle.  Student parking permits can be purchased for $10 from Ms. Gilbert in the magnet office.

    All students are required to park in the 31st Street lot.  Students who are enrolled in a dual enrollment classes at St. Petersburg College or Pinellas Technical College are permitted to park in the 34th Street lot in the spaces closest to the football field with a special permit.  Parking in the 31st Street is on a first come first serve basis. 

    Students who are late to campus should follow established school tardy procedures.  Late students should park in the spaces closest to the football field.  If you are late, you must obtain a special parking pass from Ms. Gilbert in the PCCA office for that day.  Excessive tardies may result in parking privileges being revoked.

    There will be random checks and video surveillance of all parking lots.  Students who violate parking procedures are subject to disciplinary action including revocation of parking privileges.

    Progressive Discipline for Parking Violations

    1st Offense:           Warning – Sticker Notification on Car

    2nd Offense:          Vehicle towed at owner’s expense

    3rd Offense:           Vehicle towed at owner’s expense and parking privilege revoked for the remainder of the school year


    Serious parking or traffic infractions will be referred to law enforcement and result in revocation of parking privileges for the remainder of the school year.