What Makes Skycrest Unique?
Highlights of Skycrest:
- Leader In Me School
- Implementation of UFLI Literacy Program
- PELI School
- High impact teachers
- Many bi-lingual staff members on campus
- Gifted program
- ESOL Program - 6 ESOL certified teachers, 3 bi-lingual assistants
- 3 VE resource teachers
- Full-time school counselor and social worker
- 4 days a week on-campus psychologist
- On-site reading coach
- MTSS coach
- Full-time Pre-K 3 Program
- 1/2 Day VPK and full day Pre-K 4 Program
- iReady Program for Y students
- YMCA Before & After care
- Dreambox online math program
- IStation online reading program
- Social Emotional Lessons month by counselor
- School-wide PBIS Program
- Full time nurse & speech teachers
- OT/PT on campus
- Battle of the Books Program
- Scholastic Book Fair
- Student-Led Conferences
- Field Day
- Great American Teach-In
- Chorus for 4th and 5th grade
- Safety Patrol and Student Council for 5th grade
- Celebrate Literacy and Red Ribbon Week
- Leader in Me Student Lighthouse Team
- Leader in Me Monthly Student Awards
- Hands-on science lab experiments
- SMART boards in all classrooms
- 1:1 computer laptops for grades 1-5 and ipads for each K classroom
- PTA & SAC Parent Committees
- Strings Program for 4th and 5th grade
- Kindergarten & 5th Grade Graduations
- Eagles Morning News
- Family Evening Events: Literacy Night, Soaring Leaders Night, Spring Fling, Trunk or Treat, New Parent Information Night, Ready Set Kindergarten Night
- Fundraisers: Color Run, Monthly Community Spirit Nights, T-shirt sales, Walk A Thon, and Bingo Night
- Monthly Parent Leadership Partnership meetings
- More-Health Presentations
- Multiple Extended Learning Programs
- Veterans Assembly
- Girls on the Run Club
- Girlfriend's Club
- Pep Rallies
- Middle School Information Night
- Vision & Hearing screening
- Grade level field trips
- STEM Academy
- Parent Lunch Days