Skycrest Healthy School
Skycrest is a Healthy School
At Skycrest, all foods and beverages served, offered, and sold to students during the regular school day and the extended school day meet or exceed the USDA’s Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards.
All fundraising efforts during and outside school hours sell only non-food items or items that meet or exceed the USDA’s Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards. We look forward to supporting our Annual Fall Color Run.
Skycrest incorporates a mandatory 20 minutes of recess during each instructional day in addition to physical activity breaks, mental breaks and PE three days a week for students.
As a staff, we are modeling healthy behavior for students and limiting our food and beverage options sold, served, and offered to all staff to items that meet high school smart snack standards.
Smart Snacks at Skycrest:
All snacks provided to students on school campus or brought from home to share must meet Smart Snacks guidelines. A list of sample approved snacks are listed below.
Check out the New Federal Standards: Smart Snacks in School
You can check a foods compliance using the Alliance Product Calculator by following this link
Healthy Tip and Tools:
Food planning Calculator-
Alliance for a Healthier Generation Resource Page:
Alliance for a Healthier generation
Promoting Safe Walking and Biking to School
Skycrest is a neighborhood school and we want to make sure all students are safe walking and biking to school.
- Remember to use crosswalks with crossing guards
- Always wear your helmet when you cycle
- Look both ways when crossing the street
For more information about safely traveling to and from school, you may click on the links below: