What is PBIS?
School-wide Behavior Plan
The primary objective of the Skycrest Elementary School Behavior Plan is to provide an optimum educational opportunity for each child in school. Skycrest promotes a positive behavior approach to discipline and uses the online PBIS Reward program. We encourage all families to view this program on a regular basis to view student’s points and any incidents. Pinellas County has implemented a restorative practices program throughout all schools.
Restorative practices involve strategies based on a mindset that maximizes building positive relationships to build a pro-social community through interactions that empower students to have a voice, to practice appropriate emotional expression, to experience empathy for one another, and to accept accountability.
When harm occurs, there are processes to repair the harm to the relationship. The following are restorative questions that explore what happened and how to make things right for all involved:
When challenging behavior:
To help those affected:
For more information about Restorative Practices in Pinellas County Schools, please visit https://www.pcsb.org/rp
School Wide Guidelines for Success:
- S - Safe
- O – On task
- A – Accountable
- R - Respectful
School-wide Behavior Responses - (Violation of expectations will be dealt with on an individual basis) Consequences may include:
- Alternative consequences with parent permission (example- complete acts of kindness, help another class,etc.)
- Minor referral documented in the PBIS Reward program
- Individual conference with the principal or school counselor
- Required parent, child, teacher, principal conference
- Major referral written for child
- Suspension from school/bus
- Alternative placement (classroom or school)
- Recommendation for expulsion from school/bus