• What is Pinellas Virtual School?
    Pinellas Virtual School (PVS) is part of the Pinellas County School District and offers full-time and part-time online classes for students in grades K through 12. Pinellas Virtual School courses are free and the curriculum is aligned to district standards. PVS offers a wide array of courses, including honors classes and popular electives. The courses are taught by highly qualified Pinellas County Schools teachers, who are able to offer personalized attention and one-on-one instruction to virtual students. 

    How much do Pinellas Virtual School courses cost?
    Because Pinellas Virtual School is a Pinellas County public school, courses are free.

    Do I need to buy textbooks?
    Most materials are provided for students. Some basic school supplies, and novels for some English classes, must be provided by the parent just as they would for classes in a traditional brick-and mortar school. Materials sent to students are the responsibility of the parent/guardian, who must return to Pinellas Virtual School after the course is completed.

    Does Pinellas Virtual School provide my child with a computer?
    No. Students must have access to a computer to complete their coursework.

    What curriculum is used for the courses? 
    All Pinellas Virtual School curriculum aligns to district and state standards. The middle and high school programs, and some elementary courses, use the same rigorous curriculum used in PCS brick-and-mortar classrooms that is created by certified Pinellas County Schools teachers. 

    Who teaches the courses?
    Pinellas Virtual School courses are taught by Pinellas County Schools teachers.

    How do we stay in contact with teachers?
    Teachers can be reached by email or phone. Pinellas Virtual School also offers multiple opportunities throughout the school year to interact face-to-face with teachers.

    Are honors courses offered?
    Yes. Pinellas Virtual School offers a variety of honors courses to meet the needs of students. 

    Can a student meet his/her online course requirement for graduation through Pinellas Virtual School?
    Yes. Students may speak to their guidance counselor for details on how Pinellas Virtual School will help them meet that requirement.

    How long are the courses?
    Courses take 16 to 18 weeks per half credit to complete, at a rate of approximately 3 to 5 study hours per week.

    Are Pinellas Virtual Courses NCAA approved?
    Yes. Please visit the NCAA website to see all approved core courses.
    Are courses offered over the summer?

    Because Pinellas Virtual School operates on the same 180-day school calendar as all Pinellas County public schools, courses are not offered over the summer.

    How is student work graded?
    Pinellas Virtual School uses the same grading scale as all other Pinellas County public schools. 

    How is testing handled? Is it conducted online? 
    Tests and exams are conducted online. At times, we may request that an exam be proctored and taken at a designated school building site. The students must take the final exam (if required by grade level) and complete all assignments, activities and assessments in order to receive credit. The state requires that FCAT/FSA and End-Of-Course exams be taken in person so they can be monitored/proctored. 

    Can a student be enrolled part time in Pinellas Virtual School and part time at a “brick-and-mortar” school?

    Can a Pinellas Virtual School student participate in band, athletics and other extracurricular activities?
    Full-time Pinellas Virtual School students may participate in activities at their zoned schools.

    Does Pinellas Virtual School offer field trips and other social opportunities?
    Yes. Full-time Pinellas Virtual School students have opportunities to go on field trips, attend holiday parties and Spirit Nights, and participate in community service projects. 

    Do students receive report cards?
    Pinellas Virtual School students’ grades are posted in Portal, where parents can also view assignments, scores and progress reports.

    Can students receive a high school diploma through the Pinellas Virtual School?

    Students who are enrolled in the virtual instruction program on a full-time basis, and who meet all requirements for a high school diploma, will have diplomas conferred by the student’s zoned school. 
    Does Pinellas Virtual provide services and accommodations for students with disabilities?
    Yes. Because PVS is a public school, federal law requires that it provides students, regardless of disability, with an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the school's education program. According to Florida State Statute 1003.57, "a student whose individual educational plan indicates that full-time virtual instruction is appropriate may be enrolled in a full-time instructional program.' To ensure appropriate placement for student success, please contact the Pinellas Virtual School office before enrollment to request an IEP team meeting to determine whether full-time virtual instruction is appropriate for your student. 
    Can a student enrolled in a school wide District Application Program enroll part-time with Pinellas Virtual School?
    A student enrolled in a school wide district application program must be enrolled full time in their school. Students in a school wide program may only take a course with PVS if the course is not offered as a course at the school campus and it must be in addition to their full schedule at the school.
    Can a student enroll in a school-within-a-school District Application Program enroll part-time with Pinellas Virtual School?
    Students in a school-within-a-school district application program may enroll part-time with Pinellas Virtual School for classes that are not included in the course progression in their application program.
    Can a full-time Pinellas Virtual School student take courses in a District Application Program?
    Students enrolled in Pinellas Virtual School full-time are not eligible for courses in District Application Programs while enrolled in the virtual school program. 
    Can Pinellas Virtual School students co-enroll with the Career Academies of Seminole?
    Yes, please visit www.pcsb.org/cas to learn more about the Career Academies of Seminole. 
    How do I log into my Pinellas Virtual School course?