
  • Pinellas Virtual School Full-Time Enrollment 24 - 25 School Year
    To enroll for the full-time virtual program, you will need to register from May 14, 2024 - July 13, 2024.
    Register for elementary, middle and high school full-time virtual through the Focus.
    We will be registering full-time students for the 24-25 school year beginning 90 days before the first day of school and ending 30 days before the first day of school. 
    Grade 6-12 Part-time registration is open year-round.


    Step One:- Go to Focus https://focus.pcsb.org/focus/index.php

    Log In and select the student reservations system.

    *Note if you do not have a Focus account username and password, please create one by clicking "Create a Focus Parent Portal Account"

    Step Two:- 

    Select "Student Reservation System" in the left navigation bar



    Step Three:-  

    Click on the appropriate option:

    Step Four:- 

     Select "Pinellas Virtual Application" 

    Step Five:- 

    Select either "Full-time Application" or "Part-time Application"



    Step Six:

    Complete application.

    Thank you!