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Peachjar eFlyers

We are using Peachjar for sending electronic school flyers (eflyers) to parents.

  • East Lake High School



    Attention Students!

    As of February 1st, student laptops are no longer be able to access portable flash drives. There have been a number of security issues impacting users in all areas of the district, students and staff included. The function of reading a flash drive has been disabled on all student laptop computers There are a number of methods available to share files and continue to collaborate with peers in classrooms. The district has developed a quick reference illustrating how to share files in Microsoft OneDriveCanvas, and through student’s PCSB E-mail. Student e-mail accounts are unable to receive messages from outside of the district, only internally. Visit to view and download this reference sheet.


    Vision - 100% student success

    Mission - The community of East Lake High School will develop productive and responsible students who are prepared for post-secondary education, the workforce and citizenship.

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