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Peachjar eFlyers

We are using Peachjar for sending electronic school flyers (eflyers) to parents.

  • East Lake High School


    Course Registration Info

    Course registration for the 2025-26 school year will begin the week of February 10th through student’s English classes. Attached below you’ll find our Curriculum Guide and Course Request Sheet again – please review if you still need information regarding scheduling for next year!


    Attention Students!

    As of February 1st, student laptops are no longer be able to access portable flash drives. There have been a number of security issues impacting users in all areas of the district, students and staff included. The function of reading a flash drive has been disabled on all student laptop computers There are a number of methods available to share files and continue to collaborate with peers in classrooms. The district has developed a quick reference illustrating how to share files in Microsoft OneDriveCanvas, and through student’s PCSB E-mail. Student e-mail accounts are unable to receive messages from outside of the district, only internally. Visit to view and download this reference sheet.


    Vision - 100% student success

    Mission - The community of East Lake High School will develop productive and responsible students who are prepared for post-secondary education, the workforce and citizenship.

Online Payments

  • Online Payments