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AVID pinning celebrates 240 seniors 

May 9, 2024

AVID seniorsAVID seniors from 14 high schools across the district were honored in Pinellas County Schools’ annual AVID pinning ceremony on May 2 at Boca Ciega High School.

To be eligible, AVID students must have completed at least two years of the AVID elective, including their senior year, earned credit in at least six semesters of college-level courses, maintained an unweighted GPA of at least 3.0, completed at least 20 hours of community service and gained acceptance and committed to a four-year college or university or enlisted in the military.

As part of the ceremony, honorees heard from two keynote speakers – Sapheria Samuels and Krista Burge – who are former AVID students and are now Pinellas County Schools teachers. Seniors received the traditional AVID pin along with school-specific stoles and cords to be worn at graduation.

“Students in the AVID elective are supported as they tackle the most rigorous courses on their campus,” said Hannah Graziano, the district AVID director for Pinellas County Schools. “These students have gone above and beyond the expectations of AVID students. Celebrating their success on their college-going journey validates their hard work while inspiring those students who aren’t yet in AVID or aren’t yet seniors that they too can achieve four-year college admission and be awarded thousands in scholarship dollars.”