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Pinellas County Schools continues to elevate academic excellence
July 1, 2024
The Florida Department of Education has released the 2024 district- and student-level results for various assessments. The district outpaced the state and large districts in many areas.
The results include:
- Grades 3-10 Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) Progress Monitoring 3 in English Language Arts and Mathematics
- Statewide Science Assessments
- End-of-Course (EOC) exams in Algebra 1, Geometry, Civics and US History
In the second year of these assessments, Pinellas County Schools’ students continue to demonstrate a trajectory for excellence in both FAST and EOC scores.
“I am incredibly proud of the results of our students during the 2023-24 school year,” said Superintendent Kevin Hendrick. “These results demonstrate the daily commitment of our students, families and staff to elevate excellence for all across our district.”
District Summary:
In English Language Arts (ELA), the district outpaced the state by demonstrating 56% proficiency in grades 3-10 on the FAST assessments. Pinellas County Schools outpaced the state in grades 3-5 and 6-8 while also being commensurate in grades 9-10.
- Pinellas County Schools is first among the large districts in ELA proficiency (tied with Broward and Miami-Dade) and ranked 15th in the state across all school districts.
In Mathematics, the district outpaced the state by demonstrating 58% proficiency in grades 3-12 on the FAST and End- of-Course (EOC) assessments. Pinellas County Schools outpaced the state in grades 3-5, 6-8 and Geometry.
- Pinellas County Schools is first among the large districts in Mathematics proficiency (tied with Miami- Dade) and ranked 17th in the state across all school districts.
In Science, the district outpaced the state by demonstrating 64% (grade 5) and 51% (grade 8) proficiency in Florida Statewide Science Assessments.
- Among the large districts in Grade 5 science proficiency, the district is first (tied with Miami-Dade) and ranked 7th in the state among school districts.
- In grade 8, PCS is second among the large districts in science proficiency (tied with Broward) and ranked 21st in the state among school districts.
- In the Biology EOC, the district demonstrated an increase of two percentage points during the 2023-24 school year
In Social Studies, the district outpaced the state by demonstrating 73% proficiency in Civics EOC and narrowed the gap with the state in US History with 66% proficiency.
- Among large districts, Pinellas County Schools is first in Civics and ranked 15th in the state among school districts.
- In the US History EOC, the district demonstrated an increase of seven percentage points during the 2023-24 school year.
While the state is recognizing a narrowing of student achievement gaps, the data released today does not allow the district to immediately assess achievement gaps by subgroups. It is anticipated that FDOE will issue school and district grades following state-determined cut scores being set in late July 2024.