Pinellas County Schools Annual Stakeholder Survey is underway
May 24, 2021
We want your feedback. The annual stakeholder survey will help the school district improve resources and services for students, families and staff.
The entire survey is being administered by K12 Insight, and all responses are completely anonymous.
PCS staff and parent/families who have their email on file with the school district will receive an email directly from K12 Insight, on Monday, May 24. The message will include a link to the survey.
Students in grades 3-12 will receive an email to their PCS email accounts with a link to the survey. Students will need their R2.D2 number to log-in to the survey.
Participation is vital to help schools and the district make improvements and identify best practices.
Make sure your voice is heard. The survey will only take a few minutes and can be completed on your computer, phone or tablet.
The annual survey will be available until Friday, June 11, 2021.
Information about the survey is available at