AVID Program

AVID stands for Advancement via Individual Determination. AVID was founded by Mary Catherine Swanson in 1980, at Clairemont High School, in San Diego, CA. The first elective class had 32 students. AVID now serves nearly one million students in more than 5,000 schools in 47 states and 16 countries. For more about the history and national vision of AVID, visit the national website for AVID.
The AVID program at CHS is fully certified and is led by various teachers across multiple disciplines. The goal of the program is to improve college readiness for all students, especially those traditionally underrepresented in higher education. Students must apply for the program, and upon acceptance enter the AVID elective which is offered for all 4 years of high school from 9th to 12th grade. Students in the program agree to take varying amounts of advanced coursework depending upon their grade. All students spend time discussing college expectations, requirements, and acceptance, and receive tutoring and support in the elective for their advanced curriculum.
Become an AVID Tutor - Are you a current college student interested in becoming a tutor for middle and/or high school students? If so, please contact us for more information. You don't have to choose a specific subject area, because this tutoring style is a coaching one. You will be taught how to ask guiding questions to help the students find their own answers and will be compensated for you time. We are still in need of tutors for the 2020-21 school year!! The work would be with our AVID students on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:25-1:30; $14/hr, must be taking 9 credit hours at a college, and have a 2.75 GPA. Email AVID Site Coordinator Ms. Jakubzak at jakubzakj@pcsb.org for a tutor contract if interested!