Call out 10/28 Bowling with Dads

Good afternoon Tech High families,
The Tech High Dads Club is sponsoring the Bowling with Dads event taking place on Saturday, 10/28 from 12PM - 2PM at Seminole Lanes located at 8668 Park Blvd, Seminole, FL 33777. The cost will be $12-$15 per bowler. This will cover lane rental, bowling ball, and shoes. Payment can be made when you arrive at the event. Food will be available for purchase at the concession stand and is not included in the price of the event. Students and family members, especially dads (or anyone who serves in the capacity of a dad) are welcome to join us.

We are looking forward to spending some time together and having some fun. If you are planning to join us please complete the online RSVP at the following link so we will be able to reserve the appropriate number of lanes for the event:

Thank you very much and we hope to see you on Saturday, 10/28.
We are... Tech High!