Business Management and Entrepreneurship
Pathway Progression
- Digital Information Technology OR Advanced Information Technology
- Business and Entrepreneurial Principles
- Human Resources & Management
Dual Enrollment Classes Offered:
- Introduction to Business
- Principles of Management
Business and Entrepreneurial Principles: This course is designed to provide an introduction to business organization, management, and entrepreneurial principles. Topics include communication skills, various forms of business ownership and organizational structures, supervisory/management skills, leadership skills, human resources management activities, business ethics, and cultural diversity. Emphasis is placed on job readiness and career development. This is required for 10th grade students in the Business Supervision and Management pathway.Legal Aspects of Business: This course provides introduction to the legal aspects of business. Topics include business law concepts, forms of business ownership, insurance awareness, governmental regulations, management functions, human resources management issues, and career development. This is required for 11th grade students in the Business Supervision and Management pathway.
Students will develop communication skills, forms of business ownership and organizational structures, supervisory/management functions and skills, accounting concepts and practices, business law concepts, leadership skills, business ethics, governmental regulations, human resources and management issues, financial and data analysis, database development and queries, and career development
Coffee Shop
Gibbs Bucks is a start-up coffee business established by the Business Supervision and Management Program back in 2016. We work hard so we can make and deliver coffee to everyone at Gibbs High School. We do our best to make a high quality coffee that everyone will enjoy and love. At Gibbs Bucks, sanitation is a must! Everyone takes their job seriously too!