BETA Dress-Up


    From: Mrs. Nicole Johnson, Administrator/Magnet Coordinator

    All BETA students will dress up every Wednesday of each month (beginning Wednesday, October 2, 2024) in the following:

    Men’s and Women’s Acceptable Attire

    • Khaki or black pants or a skirt
    • A belt
    • Dress shoes or loafers

    Tennis shoes and blue jeans will not be given any credit. BETA Dress does count as a test grade.

    beta scholars in beta dress attire


    BETA Dress Policy

     BETA DRESS POLICY 2024-2025

    The following is the required dress code/policy for the 2024-2025 school year at Gibbs High School, Business Entrepreneurial Technology Academy (BETA).

    1.    BETA Dress Day will be every Wednesday, starting October 2, 2024, continuing to the end of the school year.
    2.    BETA Dress consists of:
    a.    For a male student: collared shirt, black or tan dress pants, slacks or khakis. Belts must be worn. NO JEAN OR DENIM MATERIAL WILL BE ACCEPTED.
    b.    For a female student: collared shirt, black or tan dress pants, slacks, or khakis. Belts must be worn. Dress or skirt, not rising more than 4 inches above the knee. Business acceptable blouse. NO JEAN OR DENIM MATERIAL WILL BE ACCEPTED.
    c.    Dress shoes are expected. Loafers, boat shoes and other similar business styled shoes are acceptable. Minimum acceptable shoe will be all black (clean) sneakers.
    d.    Overall, the basic standard of BETA dress is business casual dress, however, students are encouraged to exceed the standard and may be rewarded (at the discretion of the individual BETA Teacher) for dress above the standard.
    3.    Students must remain in BETA Dress the entire school day to receive full credit for their BETA Dress. If a student is seen or reported by teachers, staff, or administration, other than their BETA teachers, out of BETA dress throughout the day, their points/grade will be affected.
    4.    First-year students are ENCOURAGED to obtain the BETA branded shirt (can be purchased from the Gibbs High School website) as soon as possible, in the shirt colors of red, white, and black. Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are REQUIRED to have in their possession a BETA branded shirt. Not having a BETA shirt for 10th-12th graders will affect the total points/grades allotted for these students.
    5.    There may be school functions and other events that will require students to be in BETA Dress, other than Wednesdays. Every attempt will be made to notify students beforehand of these times.
    6.    For students who are in noncompliance with the BETA Dress policy, being in BETA dress will count towards a substantial portion of the student’s grade and noncompliance will severely affect the student’s grade.

    Link to purchase BETA Dress