BETA Administration
Mrs. Nicole Johnson is our BETA Magnet Program Coordinator. Since 2018 she has been creating and molding the Gibbs BETA magnet into a technology power-house. A very few of her accomplishments over the past seven years have been:
- Assembling a cohort of business and academic teachers for genuine curriculum integration within the program
- Finding new field trip opportunities for the students that provide real-world learning experiences
- Arranging college tours to help students prepare for their post-secondary decisions
- Reaching out to local industries to provide students as On-the-Job-Training employees
- Internship possibilities for BETA students
- Business members for the BETA Advisory Council
- Networking with other district magnet coordinators to bring ideas back to BETA's table to improve the program
- Increasing parental involvement in BETA, both at the school and on the BETA Advisory Council.
- Implementing a partnership the 3DE program of Junior Achievement
- Implementing a partnership with the St. Petersburg College School of Business